166 definitions by PhoenixGamer34

The all time home run king and the single season home run king. Many people think he should not be seen as such because he is said to have done steroids, which is also why they think he should not be a Hall of Famer. However, there is no doubt that there are already plenty of guys in the Hall of Fame that have done steroids.
Sure, Barry Bonds did steroids and is a piece of shit, but it still does not change the fact that he was a beast and he would've been even if he never took steroids.
by PhoenixGamer34 February 2, 2022
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The deadliest creature on Earth other than Mosquitoes.
It seems like that there are more people that you cannot trust than you can.
by PhoenixGamer34 March 2, 2022
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What people that act as if some certain person's death *cough* Technoblade *cough* is the end of the world need to do. I mean sure, his death was a sad occurrence, but it still doesn't change the fact that it's stupid to claim that it's the end of the world, which a bunch of crybabies on YouTube and other websites like that are doing and will continue to do.
Karen needs to STFU about how she claims that she is the only person on Earth that matters.
by PhoenixGamer34 July 9, 2022
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Can be a nice thing to say if you say it to a friend or a loved one, but inappropriate if you say in response to a police officer that asks you how high are you?
Police officer: How high are you?
Some random idiot: No officer, you're wrong! It's Hi, how are you?
by PhoenixGamer34 April 21, 2021
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When you do whatever it takes in a certain game of some sort, even if things were looking bad for the majority of it and especially if things were looking bad for the majority of it.
There has been many occasions were the opposing player or even you won the game despite the fact that things were looking bad for the majority of it.
by PhoenixGamer34 December 19, 2022
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What to call the Coronavirus when you want to offend radical leftists as payback for the stupid shit they have said and done or if you are Anti-Asian.
Despite what was initially thought, you can get the Kung Flu more than once.
by PhoenixGamer34 September 21, 2022
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