The maker of rings. He wields all the Pandôra rings, giving him infinite power. Even Hoareyou9099 cannot stop him.
by Sniping_ May 3, 2019
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Simply put, a person or persons that create difficulties that do not need to be present. This action is almost always taken for no apparent reason to the recipient, but the Obstacle Maker themselves just wants to create an unnecessary burden and obstacle for their own personal gain.
We aren't allowed to use the table cloth at the park birthday party even though there are no rules forbidding it. The employee of the park wants to feel in control, he is behaving like an Egotistical Obstacle Maker. Has to let the Ego go, Could be loved. There is hope. Too much power. God still loves them.
by Almost Invisible October 4, 2017
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Someone who has hoes but does not consider themselves to be a hoe.
He/she has mad hoes but isn’t one

He/ she is a hoe maker
by Coco tree_nut April 21, 2021
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A woman who loves to make jam, cakes, or pies or just take care of her man.

Bob's wife is a "jam maker", she picks him up when he's drunk and drives him home, staring at him adoringly.
by Lee Sheldon September 6, 2007
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This term is used to describe a specifically designated clean syringe, which is used to make up a bump intended to be split up between two or more people. This syringe is not used for injecting but rather to contain a large amount and transfer it in parts to each person's personal rig. It is marked by scratching off all the zeros in the row of numbers on the rig and, if properly kept and if it remains not injected into anybody's skin, can be reused untill it no longer draws up. This is a good ideal to reduce the risk of spreading IV related diseases during group bumps because the shot is made and passed out using a clean point for that purpose. Another advantage is for someone who bends and dulls out the needle tip while making a shot, to the point it is no longer useable to inject into their skin and another point is needed. its slang name says just what its purpose is, making up, thats why it is called, maker-upper.
hey do u have a "maker-upper" so i dont ruin my point making this up.
Wheres the "maker-upper?"
My "maker-upper" is the one with all the zeros scratched off.
Lets designate a "maker-upper" and mark it now so it don't get trashed.
Can one of these rigs be used as a "maker-upper?"
If you mess your point up before you poke anyone with it, you can simply make your "maker-upper" and it won't be a total waste.
by everythingjess November 7, 2011
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