
Food items served before the main courses of a meal (prior to an entrée). Synonymous with an appetizer, an Hors d'œuvre, or a shared plate.
This menu has a ton of a starters!
by Inuki January 5, 2011
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The sex position in which one person gets down in the starting blocks position and the other person is standing at the "starter's" head. The starter is then giving him a BJ. May also be switched to be inverted starter. Where the person standing moves to the back of the starter and proforms anal sex.
Dillin: Lets think of something perverted we could do with these starting blocks!

Zac: Let's do the starter!

Dillin: Inverted?

Zac: Why not!
by Fattypatty April 26, 2007
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the craziest bar in southeast georgia with the wildest girls & the best customers (:
if you don't drink at starters, then fuck you.

yea we dance on the bar at Starters, no reason to stare.
by Starter Bombs July 12, 2008
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The word Starter represents
any hustler who has been getting money in the game since day one,
Day one go-getter.
A hungry Hustler from the start.
Self starting go-go-getting Hustla.
DiYentei: Hey! Man i been a starter from the day I jumped off the porch.
T-Loc: Yeah; I’ve been on my hustle too brother since I was a youngster
by MillYentei DYSlick February 15, 2022
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Any form of lubrication used to get one started in clearing tubes or having intercourse (particularly anal).
Hang on luv, your dirt track is a little dry, I'll just grab the starters
by mickydee26 August 19, 2008
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A Starter is a woman who is in a pimps stable of women, who is his first priority usually the breadwinner.
I take my starter shopping at Saks and my other girls to Wal Mart.
by Dwain Oneal July 8, 2006
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for starters

To begin with
used to say that something is the first in a list of things
"Deborah believes him, indicating, for starters, that she isn't the brightest"

(Judith Crist).
by bitterscotch September 16, 2015
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