ness // an adjective modifying noun // personality, person, being, aura, soul, spirit, character, identity, style, etc.
1: "Dude that girl has a bitchy ness."

2: "Her ness is totally bitchy."

"What'd you just say?"
by Shmandie May 8, 2010
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the essence of a person.what defines them what makes them unique.can be used after a word or by it self.
you lost your ness when you starting acting like everybody else.
my smartness went down the drain when i was told i was wrong.
my sexyness is what attracts people to me.
by Shakalaka Baby-the Original October 5, 2006
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Suffix yes, and all of that. Ness is substance, thing, stuff, etcness
I'm hot; i'm wearing 5 layers of ness
by Sal March 30, 2005
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a very awesome guy from twitter dot com (not to be confused with Ness from the videogame EarthBound) he makes art and he has a very cool checkered green and black hoodie (not to be confused with Tanjiro Kamado from Demon Slayer)
"hey have you checked Ness's art on twitter"
"he hasn't posted anything in over a month he's so lazy"
"wow i love Ness his art is so cool!"
by nessu May 24, 2021
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The word Ness stands for Needs Easy Studding Student
Hey look at some ness kid
by Brody 7.62 January 2, 2022
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While similar to other "Ness" definitions, "*ness" is about an exceptional person's soul/essence/mojo, that certain something that really makes them stand out in a positive way. It relates to the thing about them that makes them unique.
After looking at your urban art and music installation about the plight of Syrians and how you related it to the gang issues of Chicago's youth, I am in awe of and inspired by your *ness!
by SpahrK May 28, 2015
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