Words connected to the ends of others to give them a new or extended meaning.

The current suffixes follow this definition.
by Nathan Mickulicz March 24, 2003
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a word used by people who think they are smart but dont actualy no what they are talking about and are trying to impress people who they think are not as smart as them
"look at that long suffix"
"thats not a suffix, thats a bridge"
"yeh...majour backfire there"
by axe2005 November 17, 2005
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A words capacity for the addition of a suffix without it becoming a ridiculous word.
The word "Suffix" is not very suffixable.
by Weirdson September 5, 2007
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adding ass to a word increases its intensity, much as a superlative or other such quantifier would. if something is funny-ass shit it is more funny than if were described as merely funny shit. the same goes for stupid ass shit or stuff. ass is usually a compound suffix with another noun word like shit, stuff, drink, etc. as in, that was a delicious ass soda. do not try explaining this particular use of this word to people who speak another language unless you want hilarity to ensue. there are rules governing its useage, but they are unclear.
by king kong NINJA April 22, 2004
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A ghetto suffix, also known as a ghetto ending is an ending to a ghetto as name. Many common ghetto suffixes are Shaun or Sean , iqua, isha and Onte
Examples of a ghetto suffix include but are not limited to:
by Red penguin 69 January 5, 2015
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initially meant alcohol, however it has been adapted in many forms to enhance every day items such as the following

p.s aiges 4 life
Chewing gum: chaiges
Cigarette: baiges
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Suffix muffin is a substitute word for all the taboo terms in the world. You can use it whenever you want and nobody will understand.
I suffix muffin love that son of a suffix muffin. SUFFIX MUFFIN AHHAHAHAHAH
by crazythomas1979 November 2, 2018
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