a city in lower Alabama. Located in Covington county, Opp was founded in 1901 and is named after Henry Opp. Henry Opp was a lawyer who successfully won a case allowing L & N Railroad to build a turnaround point in what is now Opp. Opp, AL has a population of around 7000. It is home to the Rattlesnake Rodeo, an annual event that draws some 30,000+ around the first weekend in April.
I was born in Opp, Alabama.
by cleehbo February 3, 2010
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Acronym for "Ontario Provincial Police"
"I was pulled over by an OPP cruiser yesterday."
by Phuyuck '74 January 21, 2004
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One Penis Policy. An open relationship where a man has multiple girlfriends and they can see other women but not men.
No, you can't get with her. Her bf has an OPP.
by epsalon1 April 17, 2016
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Other People's Property. A woman who is already married, so you can't (legally or morally) fuck her.
Mrs. B. is married to a wealthy doctor. I'd sure like to get down with OPP.
by GuidoPosse69 February 1, 2005
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A stupid girl named poppy who did the remove the first and last letter of you name challenge on TikTok
by Ye ye SQUIDWARD June 18, 2020
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man those police are over powered

by new guy 101 December 3, 2018
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