When you meet somebody in real life for the first time, but you have the feeling you already know them, because you’ve seen them on social media
I know we never met before but I have the feeling I know you, because I’ve seen you on my friends stories a lot. A total van Triel effect
by NVM1992 September 20, 2019
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The Pauso Effect, a term derived from Marco Pausini´s discovery of a mathematical theory based on singular value decomposition and subsequent euphoria, describes the extreme happiness or ¨high¨ feeling after having performed superbly at work. This phenomenon is easily observable, with symptoms including smiling, making jokes, desire to have fun, and a general sense of high spirits.
¨Bro, you´re in such a good mood today! What´s goin´ on?¨
¨Pauso Effect, bro! I finally signed a deal with a huge client
¨Way to go dude, let´s go get a drink!¨
¨Or maybe 5!¨
by Rulrangers July 19, 2013
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n: what you experience when you travel in Melbourne's public transport rail system. Delayed trains, dirty seats, violent ticket inspectors, passengers squashed in like sardines.

If in a crowded train and another passenger falls on you the violent movements of the carraige. Do not let them apologise; blame the connex effect!
by LukeyB November 22, 2007
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the josh effect happens when someone is able to turn all past lovers into trans people
I heard Milo changed her gender, must of been the josh effect
by pipipipipippipipipipip May 5, 2023
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(ALP) Effect - this is a crazy effect alp is from china and is Asian if u play with him u like to eat animals if u trio with him or do wagers with him u will turn into a china person u will also be very washed and get kicked out of a team and brag about being a discord mod. Also u turn very weird
by November 24, 2021
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If you have Yeti on your team, you will choke a lead.
I can't believe we choked that 5 round lead. The Yeti Effect caught up to us.
by jingu November 24, 2020
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Occurring when biological men identifying as transgender women dominate female athletics; refers to Andy Kaufman defeating female wrestlers in the 1970s as part of his comedic act.
When transgender women (biological men) join female athletic teams and deprive women of their right to compete fairly with other biological women, that's the Kaufman Effect.
by scharky August 6, 2019
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