This is a male who is usually good looking who specifically targets wealthy females. These females would not normally attract a man this good looking if they were poor. A successful sugar douche will ultimately marry one of these females thereby granting him an easy lifestyle with no real employment requirements. Sugar douches usually cheat at some point, have failed business enterprises and ultimately prove to be poor husbands. Divorce, alimony payments and other forms of wealth are given to the sugar douche as severance.
Sandy's sugar douche just had to close down his personal training business due to poor management.
by stephilovepapastephilovepapa December 20, 2017
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a metal head not currently being metal, some one who is not currently being metal. insult.
dude my friend became such a douche pig when he went to that nightwish concert
nightwish = unmetal
by deadlykitty August 28, 2006
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1. (n) - When a person is such a high level douche bag, that everyone in their area is affected by them, they transcend into the douche cloud form, permeating everything in range as a gas or fine mist would.
Haha - Trump is such a douche cloud that when he gives press conferences, you can see McConnell actually frown harder than his default turtle face from the vapors.
by sleepyHollow October 17, 2017
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Someone who insists on blowing huge vape clouds everywhere they go just to show off their mod. And be a douche about it.
Dude, check this out. *blows big cloud in my face* Dude, you can't see my head, can you? ...damn Douche Clouder ..
by Dr.Coxx March 7, 2015
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(noun). A piquantly prosodic way to refer to a friend who is acting like a moron. Warning don't use this term in a real battle of urban-dictionary prowess given the self-humbling nature of using the prefix douche with the sharp suffix nip. As in there are many more blunt sounding and effective terms such as douche cock, douche cunt, douche fucker...
Me: "John you're a real douche nip"

John: "Wow I'm really not all that offended. You sure are a puss bitch"
by Millkz Plz April 9, 2011
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A douche bag of epic proportions and on every level, they are such a douche, even normal douches fear them... they wear a crown made of douchery. They are usually called Matthieu and come from France.
"Hey dude, that guy isn't a normal douche, he is the king douche!"
by I'm no douchette February 24, 2015
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One who Is the essence of epic lamesauce and uber douche-ness. A person that would give anything just to be a asshole
by Mr. John Flick'o the wrist January 13, 2011
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