by geofffary August 16, 2010
Verb meaning to pass gas and unknowingly release a small amount of liquid feces. You don't know you've merched until you see the stain in your undies. Merch comes from the noise the fart makes while trying to escape your clenched cheeks.
by Lizicle December 23, 2008
Running out of ammo during an Uber while playing as a Heavy, in the game"Team Fortress 2".
Past tense of, "Merching"
Originally named after a Heavy that frequents No-Heroes servers, under the name "Merchant", who almost always runs out of ammo at the worst possible times.
Past tense of, "Merching"
Originally named after a Heavy that frequents No-Heroes servers, under the name "Merchant", who almost always runs out of ammo at the worst possible times.
by PerfectPerception October 14, 2013
by Hmhy July 12, 2017
Dis BDK I raised up my blick and emptied the damn clip hit that fool all up in his shit. That’s the last thing he ever did was merched it and threw it at my whip.
by FuckingTrickyBiscuit April 22, 2021
I merch during weekends.
by therapist032 August 28, 2010