gently play with/fondle an object (typically a set of testes or titties) in the palm of one's hand(s)
Michelle jagged Brandon's balls in her hand last night.
by hanging dice May 12, 2021
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A word popularised on the messageboards of UK music website Drowned in Sound to describe a post purporting to be from a fan of a band, when in fact it is a friend of the band, or the band themselves, attempting to promote their music.
JAG is a 'DiSism'.
'that was a blatant JAG'
'Stop JAG-ing about Craine'
by PINGU THE GREAT June 18, 2008
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To party really hard, especially with alcohol.

I jagged my face off.

He out jagged his own body and now he's paying for it.

I'm so jaggin' right now.
by Hexis July 25, 2008
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A derogatory term for a person exhibiting uncommonly obnoxious ignorance or general douchery.
Tom: Is that guy parked in front of a fire hydrant?
Sam: What a fucking jag!
by jpb103 April 18, 2016
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a state of intoxication; to be buzzed or drunk
He was already all jag when he showed up at the party.
by J-style June 3, 2005
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Generally a really nice guy.
Will treat his girlfriend really well.
Is gorgeus!!!
Very amazing.. You'd be lucky to have him in your life.
Girl 1 : Wow, look at that guy over there he is gorgues!
Girl 2 : I heard he is really amazing tbf :)
Girl 1 : Wow, must be a jag :)
by Alilibabz April 28, 2010
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Jag is a Term, mostly found in Scotland as a Slang word for an Medical Injection.

However, They are not called a Jag once used, the name will return back to Needle, a Jag is actually when it is about to or within the Flesh of a person.
When She gave me the jag, she put the needle into a yellow bin.

Was your Jag painful?
by ScottishOne June 17, 2011
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