Person one: Oh hey, is that Joaquin?
Joaquin: Die.
Person one: *Dies*
by LiberalDestroyer6969 April 2, 2019
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1. It is to no longer be alive.

2. When you die in a game, you may lose exp, gold, or other things in your inventory.

3. To die someone. Only applies to tanks in the game. When killing a boss, and the tank dies, the rest of the party dies along with him because they have no tank, the boss's 'uber awesome aoe' and kills you all.

1. I think MJ died o.o' last night...

2. Um... sorry i died, gotta res!! T^T was like...0.1% till lvl !! wtf!!!

3. DAMMIT!! stupid tank died us >_>"" We're not having that guy as tank next time ! and we need more healers! Dude, buy more pots! Stop dying us !
by Coolerthanyourmom September 3, 2009
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Shakespearian slang for having an orgasm.
(ie): In French, modern slang for orgasm (or to die) is "le petite mur" meaning "little death."
by jprbtmhj] November 7, 2010
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When your cousin almost chokes on water and your other cousin wishes for your well-being.
Jadon: “Oh don’t die, it’s bad for you
by A Fellow Mexicasian. July 4, 2018
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The act of drinking too much alcohol, resulting in vomiting and/or blacking out.
Carla: Hey, Tay! So how did Saturday night go??
Taylor: I definitely died.
Carla: Ohhh... dang.
by Gibbay January 12, 2010
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