A semi edible dark brown paste. Traditionally used by Australians to disgust foriegners. Highly effective on North Americans.
"Try this Chip, It's called vegemite. It tastes like nutella".
by theeel February 21, 2008
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An Australian paste commonly spread on bread or crackers.
It is browny-black in colour and made from yeast.
It has a salty and tangy taste that is almost inpossible to describe accurately.
"Hey Mum, Can i have a vegemite sandwitch for lunch today?"
"Sure Hun"
by Megzie the Aussie : ) July 7, 2006
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vegetable extract spread. yum....
spread THINLY on toast or bread, with or without butter.
if spread too thickly, vegemite is inedible, even for aussies.
by Bel April 30, 2005
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an affectionate term used to describe a loved one. most commonly used in austriala and willimantic, ct.
"she's a clever little vegemite!"
by kdrrrgs February 18, 2008
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it looks like petrolleum, tastes like crap, only eaten by australians, expats in other countries, and people who eat way too much crrap.
1) some autralian weirdo: have some vegemite, mate!
mo: no way. looks like petrolleum, tastes like crap.

2) ian: I'd rather drink coffee made from civet cat shit than to taste that crap (vegemite).

3) random tourist: let me have some of that vegemite!
*spreads some vegemite thinly on a piece of bread, then eats it*
*chokes, then vomits, then passes out.*
some australian: poor fella. I feel sorry for him. *starts eating vegemite, then proceeds to hum the "happy little vegemite" jingle.*
by Ian Lopez April 7, 2008
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A somewhat annoying person bearable for only short amounts of time before they get on your nerves.
The expression comes the spread - vegemite which is potent and 'a little bit goes a long way'
"what do you think of Anna?"
"Anna? shes vegemite!"
by Kraken October 21, 2005
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An Australian term to define a homosexual; Puts a rose on every cheek ;)
John: "Wow, did you see that guy?! What a Vegemite Driller."
Sam: "Yeah, Word, He Drills the Vegemite BIG TIME".
by Urban Dictionary March 24, 2007
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