Vikings where a group of people from Scandinavia (Mainly Norway, but also Denmark and Sweden) who where most known for their raids conducted on the British Isles, France and other parts of Europe during the 8th to 11th century.

The word 'Viking' is believed to be Old Norse for "Belonging to a Creek" In other words, you might say "That man is a Viking, of the sea, a seafaring person"

The earliest record of a Viking raid is 787 when mentioned in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. This would start a period of 200 years referred to as the "Viking Age"

Vikings had a large impact on the areas of Scotland, Ireland, Northen England, France, Spain and even controlling areas of Russia and the Mediterranean.

Viking explorers colonized such places as Shetland, Iceland, Greenland and the famous Newfoundland 1000 A.D.

The decline of Viking Civilization is believed to have been brought about by the introduction of Christianity in the 11th century. The death of their great King, Harald Hardraada in 1066 at the Battle of Stamford Bridge is also a factor, virtually ending all expeditions.

Despite the modern view, Vikings did NOT wear horned helmets. It is believed this view steemed from the Scandinavian Brozne Age (Some 2000 years before) where horned helmets where used in ceremonies.

Norweigan Viking: "Argh! Taste steel dogs!"
Anglo-Saxon soldier: "What do we do? He's got an axe!"
Other Anglo-Saxon soldier: "You idiot, WE'VE ALL GOT AXE'S!"
by Kruegalfang November 18, 2005
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a viking is pretty much the ultimate fighting machine.
put your damn nijas in broad dalight in hand to hand combat with your average hieght average strength viking, your damn ninja wont have time to contemplate his attack before the viking rips hit thraot out and continues to mual the nijas corpse with its skull

pirates without their swords and guns=jack shit aka pansies

vikings need no weapons whereas the other two do, nijas require darkness and objects to mask their presence to be eficient therefor they would suck in open combat

one viking would gladly rush into battle with a thousand pirates and ninjas and take as many as he could before he died
re-read definition if you require an example of viking
by zayl October 24, 2006
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The Vikings were known for there brute strength and there mastery over the sea. They came from Norway and settled in Britain, Iceland, Greenland, and later made settlements in the U.S.A. but they were abandoned. The Vikings invented a boat called the long boat which was used to transport troops all around northern Europe.
The Vikings were easily able to control the northern European countries because of there very well trained warriors.
by George E. April 28, 2007
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During the Middle Ages (A.D. 500-1500), fierce warriors called Vikings lived on the Scandinavian Peninsula of northern Europe. The Vikings, a tall people known for their blond hair and blue eyes, were skilled craftsmen and daring seamen. They raided many European nations and explored far out into the Atlantic Ocean.
Around the year A.D. 1000, the Viking Leif Ericson discovered the North American continent. It is believed that the Vikings might have started several little villages at the tip of Newfoundland, an island off Canada's Atlantic coast. Although they did not tell anyone about their discovery, the Vikings were nevertheless probably the second people to discover America.
by ♫ Highway to Hell ♫ November 15, 2010
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1. Noun
The Purest Definition of a Barbarian Warrior. Skilled, Brutal, and Masters of Beard-Have. Often waded into the thick of battle drunker than that cheerleader when she blew you at that party, and yet still managing to take down entire football teams of frightened peasants. again, not unlike the cheerleader.

2. Verb
To demolish an individual at something, and proceed to nail their girlfriend.
Dave: Yo, did you see that guy shotgunning entire bottles of vodka and eating a whole roast pig?
Rick: yeah, i saw that.
Dave: Fucking vikings man.

Dave: Yo Rick, you look terrible.
Rick: Yeah, Sven kicked my ass at all the bar games, and then he banged Samantha RIGHT THERE!
Dave: he beat you at Foozball?
Rick: Yeah, i got Viking'd pretty bad.
Dave: damn, how do you feel?
Rick: Irish.
by Robocarnage February 23, 2010
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The Vikings usaully follow or believe in Norse mythology, and the warroirs heaven known as Valhalla very firmly. They believe the only way to enter this heaven is through glorious battle or an honorable fight. Strong and skilled warriors a usual concept of belief is they are stupid clumsy barbarians (not the case). A Viking may act dumb but is actually extremely smart, this usually leads they're enemies to believe they are an easy fight, and the outcome is more often the Viking whips the living hell out of them. Calling a Viking male beardless was and is a insult punishable only by death. A Viking usually has a favored weapon such as an battle axe, sword, spear, or bow (a battle axe in my case). Casual dress for a Viking ranges from the old way of dress to a kind of Metalhead dress. Like a metalhead Vikings will not tolerate being insulted or someone that trys to push them around (we are a proud culture). Also they are not just from northern countries.
1.Hes a proud Viking.

2.Oh oh hes got his axe, run for it!

3.Your dead.

by Judas Viking Metalhead May 31, 2006
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