Someone who likes to get up close and personal. physically
That dude is a smudge.
by soulmate June 30, 2004
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To get masterbated by a ghost or spirit, especially in a new or haunted house.
Before we burn some sage to clear out the spirits, let's spend a night here first, I'd love to get smudged by a ghost, they have really soft hands.
by seattle-brcac May 19, 2018
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commonly found in america, specifically east.
of unknown height, commonly having brown hair and a friendly disposition.
known to be very attractive to members of opposite sex of the same species, also other Squid.
amazing voice.
by JaneyyyyGirlllSmidge April 1, 2007
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To smear, spread, or rub ones feces on the seat of the toilet after using the restroom. Whether it be by accident or purposely, the skidmark like substance left behind is to be known as a smudge.
Can you believe she smudged again?! Gross!
by SQUEEZYOFACE March 19, 2008
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A term used to describe someone who loves eating vagina!
Hey did you hear? That Tommy is a total smudge muffin!
by Hom2436 January 24, 2018
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The crusty brown material that gets transferred to the rear of the toilet seat or underwear, resulting from the accumulation of fecal matter at the top of an unclean, too-far-rear-wiping person's ass crack.
I almost sat in the hefty butt smudge that you left on the seat!
by Etch August 16, 2006
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