When a person really desires something, e.g. food, drink, sleep, sex etc.

Not to be confused with kotching
Jack: I'm conching for some food
Tom: shall we go to KFC then?
Richard: yeah come on I'm conching too

Daniel: I'm conching for some pussy, it's been like 6 months now!
by Dale W. March 28, 2008
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A Penis/A Vagina a sexual organ, Also a rude person
I'm feelin a little horny want some conche.
by Alise91 March 18, 2008
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The place a males testicles tuck up into during certain acts to prevent from abuse.
I was banging this chick so hard, its a good thing my balls were up in my conch.
by Blipmeister December 17, 2009
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the slimy sliver of stinky skin on a womans pussy-boner
that is the grossest smelliest conch ive ever seen
by jhbfksbcbkhbfjhbv May 16, 2007
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Anything and everything, often people are offended by its over-usage

punch window trampoline bacardi
Mr. Mohr likes the conch.
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A repulsivly large pussy area in which is disfigured and is covered in lumpy green bumps in which, at this time, are unidentifiable. As stated by Emi Chow, "My girlfriend has a conch. It isn't the nicest thing to have for dinner."
"I think Erika may have a slight case of conch," stated Dr. Williams.
by hairy_ass_muahaha March 17, 2003
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The female equivalent of the male gooch; the skin between the vagina and the anus.
Your Momma loves it when I'm eating conch!
by Phat Lüke July 11, 2008
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