The act of taking a steaming hot shit in the females vagina, cumming on top of the shit, and then pissing on it. Then you take a spoon and eat all that shit up!
Joseph: Hey dad, can we do another Hot Fudge Sundae @dad????????
by GammAndrew January 19, 2018
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A hot fudge sundae in the Midwest States consists of a pulled beef or pork with brown gravy, and typically two scoops of frozen ice cream on the same plate. It is a commonly found fair food. Although it is typically unheard of in areas outside of the Midwest and gets a bad rap among many for sounding unhealthy.
We have to go to the fair, I heard Julian's have a booth and they are making their hot fudge sundaes!
by Midwestfanatic January 4, 2019
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A jelly sundae is when you and your friends book a night at a motel in Manhattan with a bath tub and proceed to fill the bathtub with smucker’s sugar free blueberry jelly in the bathtub to the brim and then have a 5 7/12 hour long orgy session in the bathtub no matter the gender , religion or race . This can be used as a group punishment.
“Hey jarred you down to have a jelly sundae with the boys later ? I will provide the jelly”
Red team loses to blue team by 3 point , they are given the forfeit of a jelly sundae
by Cocksuckerpaul330 January 2, 2022
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Sexual dessert.

Post-ejaculation into the anus, the partner's asshole is licked and spat into. Afterwards that partner squats over a waffle cone (or a dinner bowl or plate if no cone is available) and deficates the mixture of semen, fecal matter and saliva. Typically a brown and white swirled mixture.

May also include a little red.

Should be eaten after intercourse while still warm.

Believed to be bring good luck in one's sexual experiences.
My last booty call made me a mayonnaise sundae so I'm expecting a good time in the club this weekend!
by Sunnaise December 12, 2016
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The act of farting out cum on a glass table top while you lay underneath and see your own deposit close up
Chelsea carefully squatted on the glass table and let out a big Irish Sundae for me to behold - a little bit of poo followed by a moan of contentment
by Chee Z Puff August 8, 2022
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A joke you play on you're Filipina girlfriend so she scours the internet looking for fucked-up images, like a chicken shutting in a dudes mouth in a walk-in freezer. She's kind of fucked-up for looking for visuals like this!
Why didn't you ever tell me about the ol' Filipino Sundae?
by Filipino sundae May 17, 2016
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The very definition of Sony and it's customer service.
I'd say contact Sony Support but Sony's customer service is nothing but a hot ass sundae.
by SilverFangedRat May 15, 2021
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