When you soak your hand in ice water till it turns wrinkly cold and numb and then masterbate with that hand.
Was feeling real bored last night and gave myself a dead grandpa....I really miss him.
by Hahaha bad July 14, 2023
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An extraordinarily good and well loved person.
“Man, I wish I was like grandpa pop.”

“You are, kid. You are.”
by anothercoolmove March 5, 2020
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A type of a tan line where usually old people that have a tan line that is tan only on the limbs but pale on the chest and stomach. Grandpa tan is similar to a farmers tan.
Why do you have a grandpa tan, gramps?”
by HowYaFeel June 9, 2019
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A tan that has an orangish tint and on an older male or female with wrinkles.
Yo you vegan nerd u have a grandpa tan LOL
by HowYaFeel June 9, 2019
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The advice your grandpa or any random old person has ever given you which you can apply to everyday life situations
Me- I gotta go to the bathroom but it’s full, I really need some grandpa wisdom
Me thinking back deep in my conscience and remembering that my grandpa always said when the bathroom is full soon your pants will be full..... of shit
by DD Alwhiney July 9, 2019
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Fuckface grandpa is used to define an old person, not so good looking who hits on young, pretty women
Girl to her friends: I met a real fuckface grandpa at work! He wanted me to show him how to get to the 15th floor in my office!
by tuffy08 May 7, 2014
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A superhero like no other. Because of his age his testicles droop to his ankles so he generates static electricity,and a lot of it, by simply walking due to his fuzzy yamsack. Or scuffing his feet in his wheel chair(he has a wheel chair because reasons). Senile grandpa by day and static slinging superhero by day. Note it's also quite creepy to be touched by this grandpa. Even more so than a normal grandpa
"Who's your favorite superhero?"
"Grandpa staticballs"
by The viking May 27, 2014
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