When you're stuck at dive on a bad date or in an awkward conversation you can't escape...a bar buffer is an acquaintance of yours that is a religious staple at any watering hole who is always happy to see you and loves keeping up conversation. Thank God for their early onset alcoholism because in sticky situations like this, they will be your right hand man until bar close.
I cant believe I caved to go out with this guy, he's more annoying than his texts and this beer won't make the night any better...Holly thought to herself .
Oh thank God there's Gabby! It's happy hour of course she's here, bar buffer to the rescue!

easy out wing man third wheel savior
by Helladays November 21, 2015
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Briefly: A term used whenever a outage effects cellular towers, making cellular data really slow.
Joe: Why is my phone data really slow?
Bob: It's a Cellular Buffer
by crowmechai_ May 17, 2021
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When you have a guy friend who dates girls well below his league that treat him like shit, so you get him a "Buffer Chick", she is solid 8/10 that boosts his self image and he, because of this, starts dating girls who are worth his time and attention.
"Dude I can't believe Jack dated trash like Stacy. We should get him a Buffer Chick."
by Oled Greg August 19, 2015
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