When there are no yays to be had
I'm anti yayying
by Gejdjbe March 8, 2018
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Toronto slang for Don't worry or no a problem
Jason: Hey thanks for lunch bro
Sam: N-yay
by ShaggyChevelle January 9, 2019
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A day made up by a first grader who wanted to finesse more gifts from her father less than a month after Christmas.

Every 3rd Sunday of January you have to decorate, send out invitations, & bring presents. The day will also consist of arts & crafts !!
“OMG I can’t wait to see what everybody gets for YAY-Day!”

“YAY-Day is better than Valentine’s Day if you ask me.”
by Tormenta January 19, 2021
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Alex and Jamie started dating on 7-17-20 at 1:44 am
by ZAXIC 505 April 21, 2021
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a phrase said by a certain someone when they are happy! saying yay yay yay makes others happy!!
"You are meing charged with the murder of 2 families of 4."
"Yay yay yay!!"
by airyhfjone April 3, 2023
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Someone in distress from being annoyed or frustrated
Some guy: hey you want to go to the park later?
Other guy: sure why not
Some guy: alright.

-2 hrs later-
Other guy: so you ready to got to the park

Some guy: I don’t want to go.
Other guy: but you said we could

Some guy: well that sucks doesn’t it?
Other guy: you can’t—- just——no———YAI YAI YAI
by Gothgirlstitties March 6, 2020
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what wengienators say when shabnam finally reveals something or does a feat.
Shabnam: *posts a new cover of an difficult song to sing on YouTube channel ShabnamMusic*
One user named fingerbutt8:Yay for Shabnam!
by thecharacterwannie April 4, 2023
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