Grabbing a hold of another guys cock and shoving it in your mouth
Blake is a dangle wrangler
by preacher69 November 4, 2014
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a profession involving a male adult who intentionally abuses goats to test the goat's moral and physical stability often in a sexual manner.
holy shit i smashed that chick like a goat wrangler on heat!
by brodiedingo19 February 24, 2012
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One who chooses to chase after stank flange.
Someone who loves the smell of rotting flange.
A person who cannot get any pussy other than nasty pussy.
Ted: Hey i pulled another girl last night!
Dave: All you get is nasty puss my dude you flange wrangler
by M.C.mcmuffins July 19, 2017
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1. A derogatory term used synonymously with a****** Or jerk.
2. Double Autundra referring to hand jobs. Can refer to someone who is bad or good at hand jobs
" She had the hands Of an arm wrestler she was a real rope Wrangler"

" Dawg she so good with her hands she a real rope wrangler "
" chuck's a real rope wrangler for cutting our pay"
by Jonniecack June 7, 2022
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Blasting music in a topless Jeep Wrangler while dancing very awkwardly.
Andie and I went Wrangler Wrecking last night and got caught be the police for soliciting! But the music was sooo good.
by Dave Bee July 10, 2010
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A long/large penis used to wrangle in women.
Scott plans to use his White Wrangler on that pretty girl Laura at the bar tonight.
by Srichards8 July 26, 2018
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