Response to “what’s up?” meaning nothing much/can’t complain.
Tyler: What’s up with it Quette?
Quette: Can’t call, what’s good with you
by Oneandimout March 15, 2022
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is a dude who came out of no where and turns up everywhere .
he seems cool at first but theres something about him that just isnt right. something that keeps you from giving away trade secrets or trusting him completely.
word on the street is that pinche calle is a informant for the man.
so watch your back.
by perry mackey September 29, 2018
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gaemer1: lets play online call of duty

gmer2: sure
some minutes later
gamer1: i feel like ive gotten radiated thirty times
gamerr2: same
by SIngle-fuck-with-no-life April 10, 2022
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When you are really good friends but cant seem to connect for weeks, sometimes months, calling each other and always hitting the missed call. The person who missed the call is the one to call back.
1: Hey buddy, called you again.
2: Yeh, buddy, was preoccupied, yet another bender.
1: We just playing call pong
by oolveea December 2, 2020
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A very short and sudden call on Snapchat for no real reason or intent to do anything, just for a short laugh or to annoy someone or to jumpscare them.
I silly called Kyra and it annoyed her because it was so sudden and unexpected.

I silly called Kyra and it jumpscared her because it was so unexpected and sudden.
by Siebren247 July 19, 2023
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a. A symptom that usually plagues males between the ages of 10 and 30 causing them to be unable to disassociate the game "Call of Duty" from reality. The game "Call of Duty when chronically played can cause a disorder of the mental process including a state of confusion, personality changes and impaired reasoning.

b. Those who play "Call of Duty" in a persistent and recurring way tend to start believing that they are part of a military organization, With their mental state in disarray they tend to believe what they do in game is all real and that they have actually done the feats that their avatar or character in game has accomplished.
Example a. Excerpt taken from real person suffering from Call of Duty Syndrome who threatened a YouTube personality

a. "What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you НO0ОଠOOOOOОଠଠOoooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒ? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the 👌👀 good shit go౦ԁ sHit👌 academy, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on 👎Baaddd ShIT👎👎👎 👎, and I have over 300 confirmed (chorus: ʳᶦᵍʰᵗ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ)👌👀. I am trained in 👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀 warfare and I’m the top shiter in the entire US armed mMMMMᎷМ💯 👌."

Example b. Person(s) talking about suffering perosn(s)

b. "Tim lost it, he is always on the look out for IED's and told me that he has over 300 confirmed kills with an RPG, yet he has never been in the military... I think Tim is suffering from Call of Duty Syndrome or COD Syndrome."
by Braotis March 17, 2016
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