a way to describe a situation so awesome that you could literally shit out a brick and you wouldn't care (too much)
Joe: I got a blowjob from a girl with purple eyes.

Jack: How cool was it when she looked up at you.

Joe: Dude, I could've shit bricks.
by Tobias the Fool October 28, 2008
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Person A: bro that’s hilarious im shitting bricks rn.

Person B: bro wtf tmi
by narly walls January 18, 2022
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A kid who cannot take a shit in public places. Usually resulting from a traumatic experience during childhood, involving a public restroom.
We call my friend Chris Orr 'shit brick' cuz he shit his pants in class one time cuz he rufused to use the public bathrooms.
by Cee Dub December 30, 2004
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a rectangular box shaped piece of feces expelled from the anus of a living or dying animal.... also a person who shares many of the same characteristics of the feces
by Joe Peezy fo Sheezy August 14, 2007
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the term affectionately given to one mr ivan hairball, newcastle, australia. popularised in the early 2000's through constant heckling by his uni mates.
presently abbreviated to either "brick" or "shit", depending on the situation.
"oi brick, gettus another beer..."
by dude May 31, 2004
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A rectangular prism consisting of hardened, moulded faeces/feces/turd which can be used as a tool of assasination by dropping it on someone's head from a 2nd storey window.
I dropped a shit brick on JFK's head.
by Bastardized Bottomburp July 2, 2003
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