A player in halo that runs out on his own without consulting his teammates.
St Ides Swilla-"goddamnit johnson, quit running out and being such a stallone"
Burkhartz-"Where was my goddamn coverfire"
by Nate734 January 27, 2008
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- To do something in a forcefull manner, usually against someone's will

- To do something that stalone might have once done
I'm gonna ask you one more time and then I'm gonna stallone that orange juice.
by pcaponerit December 29, 2005
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The act of revisiting a former sexual partner, especially after a long period of time has elapsed between sexual interaction.
Stallone revisited his classic movies Rambo and Rocky after a long period of time.
Dude, I just totally Stalloned Katie, a girl i dated back in middle school.
by Sanchezcobar June 17, 2010
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1. To knock someone unconscious with one swift punch to the head.
Dude, I'll stallone you like I did to Graser last night!
by Graser10cpMCYT May 17, 2014
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Nonchalant reference to a booger that is hanging (sometimes for dear life) from your nostril, ie. a cliffhanger. A good way to let someone know indirectly that they've got a booger hanging on, without everyone around you knowing what you're referencing.
"Man, you've got a Stallone hanging from your nose", or if you are in mixed company "Hey man, you've got a Stallone".
by ErinBear April 6, 2009
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A pile of ugly meat, veins of tangy mayo and drawn tightly over it all is a thin skin of sweaty pinkish cheese!

(created by: TheRealBradNeely)
I can't even eat one fish titty cuz I had too many Stallone Cuts on my 3rd coffee break.
by ADAMANT2007 January 13, 2011
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Pronunciation: \ˈstä-lōnes\ \'lo\
Function: noun

A law of physics, (not unlike Murphy's Law), stating that in the event a main character is being shot at by any amount of bad guys, the main character has a better chance of killing all the bad guys than the bad guys have of killing him.
Friend: "That guy just killed like 50 people! How did he do that?"

You: "Stallone's Law."
by Dr, No. April 17, 2010
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