A club in Brentwood, UK, attracting goths, grungers, emos, indie kids etc. Plays mainly rock music, and it's subgenres. Also a popular excuse used by teens to go out and get drunk or stoned.
Contains a mosh pit and hot girls

Abbr of The Hermitage Club/Site.
A) Yeah, I'm going to the hermit tonight.
B) I'm just going to tell parents, then get some smirnoff
by conorschild December 21, 2005
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(n). A person who is like a hermit crab: closed off, to themselves. They often stay inside a lot and try not to venture out of their personal zone.
"I'm kind of a recluse - a hermit. I'm not really out that much because I have a great fear of Hollywood." -Megan Fox
by xophillychik November 22, 2009
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Doing nothing. Sitting around your house doing nothing but watching TV or on the internet. Avoiding actual social activity other than the internet. Going out and doing something is usually an option, but you prefer being a loner. The act of hermitting is usually done in what is known as a hermie hut.
'What ya doing?' "Not much really, just hermitting."
by ImHurrAndFancy July 13, 2011
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to be in voluntarily imprisoned by friends and family
I feel "hermitized" today as i cannot go out because somebody is coming to my house.
by babs h October 22, 2010
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A hermit is a person who lives to some greater or lesser degree in seclusion and/or isolation from society.

The life of a hermit is usually very lonely, they don't like going out and seeing other people/friends and prefer to stay indoors.

A hermits best friend is usually his computer or television. They usually find sanctuary in games such as Guitar Hero or World of Warcraft.
Peter "Hey Sango you haven't come out in weeks, how about a beer"

Sango "Errrr, sorry man I'm gona stay in and play Guitar Hero"

Peter "Come on I will buy you a drink haven't seen you in weeks you hermit"

Sango "Noo thanks, kinda busy" *loud guitar hero strumming in the background*
by David Feakins September 20, 2007
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In addition to the standard definition, a 'Hermit' is a slang term for a PC afficionado. This definition is mainly used on the System Wars forum of Gamespot.
PC Fanboy:"Hey, console n00bs! HL2>Halo2!"
Console Fanboy: "STFU, Hermit!"
by T.R.I. August 19, 2005
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A disease sounds like hepatitis but not to be confused. This disease originates from the hermslor or hermy. It is easily caught when people get too close to the hermslor. Beware it can lurk amongst anyone.
1.)Oh damn another one of my friends were infected with the hermititis.

2.) Hermslor is out and about watch out shes trying to infect the area with hermititis.
by Jungle Wungle April 7, 2009
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