A place where ugly women gather. It usually smells like hay and horse shit.
Gene: My wife is going to the Barn tonight so we can have sex tonight
Donna: Awesome!
by SquanchMeHardOnTheFrontYard March 16, 2017
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a person who is a tool to the highest degree, a leaky douche bag (metaphorically of course)
Bill talks about the local music scene and laughs at those Geico caveman commercials. He's such a fucking barn.
by Ottag Trebor July 20, 2011
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To do something so worthless and so horribly wrong that you should proboly kill yourself.
I can't believe he just did that, he is so barnes.
by Joe Ard. April 20, 2006
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1) to send an elecontronic message to a friend making that friend laugh uncontrollably and conspicuously at an inappropriate and embarrassing time and place, ie when he is in class, the law libary, or when his wife is trying to sleep.

2) the act of laughing uncontrollably and conspicuosly at an in approritate time upon reading an elecontronic message
Wurgle: Man, i didnt mean to barn you with that IM in class.

Tex: Yeah, but damn, i barned big time. I'm sure the professor saw me!
by spampasourus July 21, 2009
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An individual who, at some pursuit or similar, is inferior to you in skill terms yet follows you round like a jealous lover. Short for Barnacle.
"Hi, my name's Johnny and these are Richard and Douglas, my two barns."
by KHD January 20, 2004
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You call someone a 'barn' when they do something stupid, annoy you or reveal an embarrassing secret about themselves.

Also a synonym of idiot, fuckhead, fuckass, loser... etc
"You like the Red Hot Chilli Peppers? ...You're a fucking barn!"

"You're annoying me, you stupid barn."

"That barn just drank a litre of shit!"

by Joeli, Jess and Miranda May 27, 2007
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More potent then the word bitch. Also a worthless human being that will amount to nothing in life. One of the worst things you could ever be called.
by Matt F. May 8, 2006
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