An insult compared to ur mom gay and ur dad lesbian but to an even greater effect.
Mark:dude ur mom gay

Doug:oh yeah ur daddy a trappy
*Mark disintergrates into ash from harsh roast*
by gonzalo878 March 13, 2018
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Worst insult ever to be said, could destroy the whole universe.
Steve:ur grandpap a trap
Bobby:ur granny pappy a trappy slappy

*steve fucking gets fucked along with the universe while bobby becomes god of everything*
by Not Giant Dad March 29, 2018
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if you see a trappy fost RUN or he will Make YOU A RETRAD
Hey sup RUN its a TRAPPY FOST
by ljfngjlnadlfgnkdrn October 30, 2019
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Jon-ur mom gay
Bill-ur Dad lesbian

Jon-ur granny tranny
Bill-ur pappy trappy
*Space time continuum collapses on its self and world ends*
by Sheebyguythememeking March 12, 2018
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stronger than your granny tranny but bad enough to cause anyone in a meter from you to drop dead and anyone in a 5 meter radius to feel severe pain in all organs.
Pete; dude ur granny tranny
Mike; that's it Pete i'm done!
Pete; please i'm sorry don't do it!
Mike; too late, ur pappi trappi
*mass deaths occur*
by darkmemesfordarkdreams March 14, 2018
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this guy is probably 5'2 and likes the taste of younger woman (and men)
Lulu Trappy was talking to that young girl yesterday
by ThatRawDogger69 September 13, 2023
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An insult compared to ur mom gay and ur dad lesbian but to an even greater effect.
Mark:dude ur mom gay

Doug:oh yeah ur daddy a trappy
*Mark disintergrates into ash from harsh roast*
by gonzalo878 March 13, 2018
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