The NRA assembled and killed a person in Charlottesville on August 12, 2017.
by nomane August 13, 2017
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Hiya y'all. I ams with da *hic* NRA. If you "sophisticated" left wingers don like it y'all can just geddout o mah cuntry! (Drinks from a jug labled XXX)
by Little-Jimmy May 23, 2005
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An organization that rivals the evil of ISIS.
There NRA is useless when it comes to gun safety.
by Ereck Flowers August 27, 2018
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1. Nympho Riders of America. A group who advocates sexual liberation.
I'm a card carrying member of the NRA, and I get more pussy than the humane society!
by beelzedub October 11, 2005
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I went out with Sheila last night, she’s bangable. Pretty face, great tits and NRA
by NRA Admirer October 24, 2018
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The members of the NRA should all do themseleves and humanity a favor and all shoot themselves.
by igotitfromyourmama April 17, 2007
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A bunch of whackos who think its a good idea to allow automatic weapons in peoples homes. Americans then wonder why they have the highest gun crime and murder rate in the civilised world. How stupid can some cunts be?
If its around for marksmanship surely you should only allow bolt action rifles. Whats the skill in using hanguns (unaccurate over long distances) or automatic rifles (spraying bullets isnt what marksmanship is about).
by Bez lad, give it a tug, mmmm December 27, 2005
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