June 23 is National Mudcake Cupcakes day

On June 23rd you have to eat and/or make mini mudcakes aka mudcake cupcakes with someone you care about. This day is about bonding with someone over the magnific taste and texture of mudcake cupcakes

If you're allergic to chocolate just make normal cupcakes. Spending time with someone you care about is the important part on June 23rd
Convo 1
A: Hey! What's a mudcake cupcake?
B: it's a mudcake but a mini version you bake in cupcakes forms on June 23

Convo 2
C: Omg! Is this the power of the mudcake cupcake when it's June 23?!
B: idk but I have to tell to tell you something..
C: what?
B: I've always had a crush on you, and making and eating these mudcake cupcakes with you made me fall even further
by Léon A November 5, 2020
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National rough sex day. The day you can legally choke, spank, hair pull or even spit on your partner, anything goes.
she let me tie her up and pull her hair because it's June 23
by Bcrl June 23, 2021
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The day where GIRLS, can ask out anyone and the person they ask out cannot say No.
Girl: Do you wanna go out?
Crush: No

Girl: You can’t say that because today is June 23 witch is the day when girls can ask out anyone but the person they ask out can’t say no.

Crush: So?
Girl: You have to go out with me!!
by Kayolay5 June 23, 2020
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Jacob: hey Julie let's have sex!
Julie: no.
Jacob: but it's june 23rd!
by Holaimchinesedora June 23, 2021
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The day a future bad bitxh was born sissy Pooh
That girl Kyla was born June 23 sissy Pooh
by kygotdacheck$ October 23, 2019
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The day anyone can ask out their crush and they have to say yes.
Avery: Piper its june 23.
Piper: Fine I'll date you.
by Deeeznutts June 23, 2021
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