
Kyla is a wonderful girl who's been through a lot and still has a smile on her face every time I see her. She's friends with everyone but likes to be alone most of the time. She's a fighter but only for what she believes is right. She's crazy loyal to the people she loves and would do anything for them even if they're not close anymore. She's one of those people who just perseveres no matter what. She's an inspiration and I'm happy she's in my life.
Girl 1: who's that girl over there? the one laughing with her friends?
Girl 2: that's kyla, she's always smiling
by nicegirlxxxxxx April 12, 2014
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She is great and can accomplish anything. She has been through hell and back but is still going. She has her “moments” throughout the day and people think she is crazy but that’s just her personality. She always has rumors going on about her but they are never true. All around if you meet a Kyla it’ll be the best time of your life.
If you meet a Kyla get your seat belt on it’s going to be a crazy ride.
by Dependable November 11, 2017
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A female name, which is constantly spelt incorrectly or pronounced incorrectly.

It's either mistaken for the following names:
Kayla, Khyla, Kella, Killa, Kyle , Koler, Kollor.
Someone: Hey Kayla!
Kyla: IT'S KYLA !
by Ciahcra July 18, 2018
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Kyla is a smart , determined , young woman , who doesn’t want to fit in with any body else but tries to stand out . She’s crazy loyal to her friends and will do mostly everything to keep them happy . She’s a god giving gift from the heavens . If you ever meet a Kyla don’t let her go and try to keep her as close as possible, and she’s a person you can talk to and trust . Kyla has been through a lot with and without her friends but still manages to push through life with a smile on her face . She cherishes every opportunity and everyone in her life . She’s crazy beautiful and drop dead gorgeous and she thinks she is nowhere near perfect but we all know she is perfect in all different ways .
Girl; Who’s that girl smiling all the time .

Girl 2; That’s Kyla isn’t she drop dead gorgeous .

Girl; yeah she is she also seems so perfect .
by Hey me March 28, 2018
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BAD BITCH PERIODT. She could give 0 fucks what hitch got to say simple. She gone run up if she have to cause she ain’t never been pussy. But don’t get me wrong she got this good ass personality that would blow you away. Her heart is so big. She funny and so beautiful. Man when I tell you she is so beautiful.
by Itsyagirlbackatitagain June 2, 2019
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A girl that have a dreams in life .She thinks she's not good enought but we all know she's perfect.She is fighting girl and she surrendered to life's challenges especially if she has a like on someone but when she did so she was really giving up.She love. her friends and sometimes she is shy and she wants to be Alone but once you get to know her she's an amazing person
by Kyla January 3, 2015
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Kyla's are beautiful, intelligent, and sweet women. If you meet one, never let her go or you will regret it very much. She is very humble and forgiving, but she knows when something's wrong. Kyla's might have a little trouble finding the right people to hang out with, but once she finds the right friends/ guy, she will know. Never underestimate kyla, beacause she will always have wonderful surprises up her sleeve. Kyla is quirky, weird, and fun with her friends, but can come off as chill.
P1: I met the most amazing girl today, and I'll never let her go
P2: must have been Kyla
by Kcauseswagg January 14, 2015
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