(n.) What has been done for a very long time, although rarely recorded. Custom and tradition can often over-rule statute law.
An example of custom and tradition is leaving newspapers outside a newsagents' in the early morning, allowing them to be taken by passers by. The delivery company does not have to change its' ways legally because ti falls under custom and tradition, and this practice dates back to the first instances of newspapers in the western world.
by Gumba Gumba June 3, 2004
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Delray Beach Pool Builders Craft Master Custom Pools is designing my pool.
by The Pool Guy November 23, 2022
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A really big dump, that may or may not be currently slamming against your rectum.
Hey guys, I'd love to help you, but I've got one hell of a grumpy customer right now. It requires my full attention.
by walrusnuts November 18, 2020
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Usually a very petty person with a limited point of view and absolutely no patience. One that thinks that the express lane is only for them!
A pretentious customer is one to think it is okay to cut in front of everyone with a full cart through the speed lane because they don't want to wait in that long line over there. I'm a special snowflake.
by Linit March 29, 2017
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"The customers behind George" is an expression used to describe something that sucks, is boring and/or ruins your day.
by EpicBrainKing June 7, 2021
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Stupid peaces of shit that nobody cares about like most asshole customers. you have to deal with on a daily basis at work. The stupid idiots that you just want to punch in the face and choke them because they exist. Abolish these idiots.
Customer: you're a useless employee, you should be fired.
Employee: you're a useless customer that needs to get the fuck out of here and never come back.
by Joocy gainz February 23, 2021
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This detail offers the amazing customized look and feels to the entire event. Heart, oval, square or rectangular die cut boxes with strips and garnish hues add energy and detail to the social event. Such Boxes fill in as a keepsake of your appreciation. Guests get a signal of your gratefulness that their presence was regarded.
customized favor boxes
This detail offers the amazing customized look and feels to the entire event. Heart, oval, square or rectangular die cut boxes with strips and garish hues add energy and detail to the social event. Such Boxes fill in as a keepsake of your appreciation. Guests get a signal of your gratefulness that their presence was regarded.
by printcosmo January 11, 2018
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