
The type of person you become to impress the opposite sex.
She wouldnt like the real me so, i give her my representative when we go out.
by SEMINOLE088 March 17, 2010
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To be showing off your colors, letting the world know who's your crew and hood.

Getting up in someone's face to let them know who you are, who you run with, and where you hang.
Devon was downtown representing when a punk got in his face.

Wearing our colors, flashing our signs....that be representing.

We be representing so everyone knows who we are.
by Pistol Packing Pappy May 9, 2010
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verb. Go and be a good example to the others of your group or in your position.
Dad: Your Mom wants you to square up this joint, yo.
Kid: So you want me to clean my room?
Dad: Dat would be da hizzy.
Kid: O.K.
Dad: Represent.
by Bill Steagall August 17, 2004
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A phrase showing acknowledgement to one's background, home, social group, or original place of residence. Also similar to giving a Shout Outto one's homeboys.
Interviewer: So you're from Québec?
Interviewee: Damn right, homeskillet. La belle Province, represent!
by MysteryInformer May 4, 2008
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A command that provokes someone to make a symbol or sign identifying their gang affiliation.
by ECHOSIDE February 22, 2003
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1. Lend physical presence or voice on behalf of a constituency defined by geography or purpose, when such manifestation of presence or voice by the whole of that constituency would be logistically impractical or impossible.

2. Stand in for a person, organization, or principle in a manner prescribed by law or formal custom where knowledge of protocols is specific and germaine to a particular forum of jurisdiction.
1. a) We represent the Lollipop Guild and wish to welcome you to Munchkinland. b) My name is Howard Dean, and I represent the Democratic wing of the Democratic Party.

2. Your Honor, I have been retained by my client to represent him in the matter before this court.
by Truth2Power July 29, 2004
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To annoy others with your presence. An activity often carried out by 'playaz'. See playa.
Here we be, in Antarctica, representin' to all the penguins. Why, yes! Word, up homey EVEN!
by Lunarsight August 11, 2004
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