Person: Look its Thomas Cowan
Person 2: Yea its the thot
by Thomas The Thot October 29, 2018
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A really attractive man who is decent friends with popular people and is always a sexy beast- as woman myself I would totally do him and his very very attractive friend (often called Blake)
Thomas hill- An incredibly attractive man for everyone.
by Sushii36 October 14, 2021
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great guy who you always want around normally has friends called something like jimmy or Tomas
oh hi Thomas makin ur really nice thank for living ur doing a great job
by mrpoodog1 May 15, 2021
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The world's sexiest people no one can complain
"Oh my god is that Thomas and Harrison huh they look sexy as always"
by yesdaddyomg6969420 August 9, 2023
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Sharting (shitting while farting) simultaneously when burping. Usually they match in pitch and volume.
Ew! Did you just shit yourself AND burp?
Yeah man, I did a Thomas Stank!
by Christian73 March 2, 2023
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