by expeller March 11, 2017
An annoyingsound that douchebags make
by Litmoney27 July 15, 2020
by MERVERNATOR April 8, 2005
To mean something is extraordinarily good. Equivalent to the satisfaction of enjoying your favorite soda and letting out a huge burp because of how good it is.
by 0xf0rd D!ct!0nary February 4, 2021
by Ross Pierro April 4, 2004
Tracy : -burps-
Nathalie : Ewl ! Tracy !
Tracy : Oops, sorry. It's just that I burp around people who I'm close with, like you.
Nathalie : Ewl ! Tracy !
Tracy : Oops, sorry. It's just that I burp around people who I'm close with, like you.
by PockyMerchandise(: March 24, 2009
by Minge Tickler May 4, 2010