like noob or noobie but for extra beginners. people who are especially bad at something
josh is such a nub at halo
by isellcocaine May 8, 2010
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a sort of filler word for "for sure!" or "right on!"

follows words like wicked, sweet, cool, ace, etc.
"that shirt is sweet, man. the nub."
by anonymous January 17, 2004
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Typically a man of African American decent who has lost an extremity due to a cock fight accident. After these men suffer such horrible injuries they are forced to work at a Taco bell with their little stumps or otherwise known as Nubs. As the studies from Arlington Heights Nuby study center shows these men almost always work the cash register and when handed crumpled up bills these men slap the money against their little stumps or commonly known as nubs.
"Oh my god Daniel did you see that mans nub"
"HAHAH he has a nub"
"Wes wishes he became a Nub from a cockfight"
" Ricky Can't be in cock fights because of a certain reason, pertaining to the issue of having a cock"
" Myles wanker is a nub, think of an asians penis"
by Ryan Parker the first November 28, 2005
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used in eastern sydney for testicles, balls.
I have a pain in the nubs.
My nubs are itchy.
by edrock February 25, 2008
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nub is a word used by computer geeks. It means your new at a game. And when used out of the computer world, means you you suck at life. And the best advice possible for a "nub" is to kill themselves
Brian: God i locked my keys in my car
Daniel: Your a fricking nub.
by gregory December 16, 2004
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Two friends, that are extremely close. They are inceperable and act strangly humorous around each other. They usually have a bunch of inside jokes and you wont know what their laughing at. They have a handshake where they hit there elbows "nubs" with the other persons.
"Whoa, look at those nubs! They are like insane."
by Piper!1199 February 13, 2008
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1) Notably Ugly Baby
2) the annual National Ugly Baby Contest

James: holy shit, my kid is such a nub

Fumi: dude, my kid won the NUB contest.
by Chinito Gonzalez April 11, 2008
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