Only the absolute best Final Fantasy game ever made. Go play it and see what i mean. Most people have never heard of it because they are too busy playing dumber games like FF9 and FF10 but they don't know what they're missing. published after FF2(american) but before FF3(american). also an a synonym with best video game ever made in all of fucking existance!
Nate - Hey, Bryan have you heard of Final Fantasy Tactics?
Bryan - Why, no you good pal, what is this you speak of?
Nate - *shoots Bryan in the face*
by Xenoglyph October 11, 2003
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What a suspected closeted homosexual is said to be on. A phrase coined on Comedy Central's "Drawn Together."
"Sorry, ladies, I think that guy's on a neverending quest to save his girlfriend."
by Uma Glurman November 12, 2004
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a game involving rolling dice and injecting heroine in ur butthole while ur mother shoves skittles down ur throught. (u r also covered in peanutbutter)
bob:hey charlie! wanna play a game of peanutbutter square hula quest?
charlie:hell yea!u got the peanutbutter,i'll get ur mom n sum skittles!
by donkeypenis October 13, 2011
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It's a Final Fantasy for little kids.

Easy, but okay.
I beat Final Fantasy Mystic Quest in one day, and I never died.
by Downvoting Victim January 26, 2004
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when a girl is and has been trying extremely hard to get a friend of yours into bed.
is that jay? yeah she's on that quest for lj jays been questing for a while now.
by King Dre Skii November 22, 2010
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Embarking on what is initially a simple errand but ends up becoming a huge hassle.
Eric went questing 40 miles round trip to find a liqour store open past 10:00 o'clock in Podunk, Indiana. After completing his quest he was so delighted, he drank the liqour from a brown bag until he became unconscious.
by Jerrod from Subway November 13, 2012
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Rumble Quest is a game on ROBLOX that retarded dickheads play 24/7 as if they're more addicted to it then drugs
If you're planning to play Rumble Quest, the effects of doing so are:
Type 2 Diabetes
Explosive Diarrhea
pp small
small brain
licking sourcel's armpits
and being depressed
Eric: Rumble Quest is played by gay people who suck prince's toes
by EvilGamer January 13, 2020
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