13 definitions by Xenoglyph

The most intelligent, sexiest woman in all of existance. Only one Fhir comes around every 100 years.
Fhir is THE uber-woman

Yeah, you know, Fhir is my GF!
by Xenoglyph October 22, 2003
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Unlike decimal which uses a base of 10(0-9), pentinary uses a base of 5(0-4). The mainly used family of bases are: Hexidecimal,Decimal,Noninary,Octinary,Pentinary,Trinary,and Binary.
Hexidecimal: 190F151315030C
Decimal: 25152119210312
Noninary: 27162321230313
Octinary: 31172523270315
Pentinary: 100030041034041003022
Trinary: 221120210200021010110
Binary: 011001001111010101010011010101000011001100
Alphabet: YOUSUCK
by Xenoglyph November 4, 2003
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Only the absolute best Final Fantasy game ever made. Go play it and see what i mean. Most people have never heard of it because they are too busy playing dumber games like FF9 and FF10 but they don't know what they're missing. published after FF2(american) but before FF3(american). also an a synonym with best video game ever made in all of fucking existance!
Nate - Hey, Bryan have you heard of Final Fantasy Tactics?
Bryan - Why, no you good pal, what is this you speak of?
Nate - *shoots Bryan in the face*
by Xenoglyph October 11, 2003
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Unlike decimal which uses a base of 10(0-9), noninary uses a base of 9(0-8). The mainly used family of bases are: Hexidecimal,Decimal,Noninary,Octinary,Pentinary,Trinary,and Binary.
Hexidecimal: 190F151315030C
Decimal: 25152119210312
Noninary: 27162321230313
Octinary: 31172523270315
Pentinary: 100030041034041003022
Trinary: 221120210200021010110
Binary: 011001001111010101010011010101000011001100
Alphabet: YOUSUCK
by Xenoglyph November 5, 2003
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psycopath kid that "always stays in his boundries"
Nate: Hey georf did you take your medicine today?
by Xenoglyph October 13, 2003
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Unlike decimal which uses a base of 10(0-9), octinary uses a base of 8(0-7). The mainly used family of bases are: Hexidecimal,Decimal,Noninary,Octinary,Pentinary,Trinary,and Binary.
Hexidecimal: 190F151315030C
Decimal: 25152119210312
Noninary: 27162321230313
Octinary: 31172523270315
Pentinary: 100030041034041003022
Trinary: 221120210200021010110
Binary: 011001001111010101010011010101000011001100
Alphabet: YOUSUCK
by Xenoglyph November 5, 2003
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Decimal is the most common base number system(10). The mainly used family of bases are: Hexidecimal,Decimal,Noninary,Octinary,Pentinary,Trinary,and Binary.
Hexidecimal: 190F151315030C
Decimal: 25152119210312
Noninary: 27162321230313
Octinary: 31172523270315
Pentinary: 100030041034041003022
Trinary: 221120210200021010110
Binary: 011001001111010101010011010101000011001100
Alphabet: YOUSUCK
by Xenoglyph November 5, 2003
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