150 definitions by Downvoting Victim

One of the most overrated TV shows of the 21st century thus far. The early years were good, but since its return it has been boring, yet everyone likes it and sees it as better than the Simpsons, even though it is pretty much ripping of the Simpsons completely.

The characters are simple and unfunny.
Everyone else says family guy is funny and doesn't like the simpsons. I think they are insane.
by Downvoting Victim July 9, 2006
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A site where everyone takes pride in being open-minded, liberal and freethinking but then downvotes any sort of content that doesn't fit in their narrow view of what is acceptable or normal.
I posted a meme I made on Reddit, but since I didn't use Good Guy Greg or Bad Luck Brian as the image alongside my text, I received the typical two downvotes and no other response.
by Downvoting Victim July 25, 2016
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MRC stands for Momthrian Regulatory Commission. It is an autocratic system run by a mother who likes to know everything about her children whether they like it or ot. It continues well into their twenties and beyond.
I've been talking to a girl and the MRC says "I don't want to know anything until you're about to marry her."

But she really must know everything from her shoe size to her IQ to her cup size...
by Downvoting Victim June 27, 2006
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Confused and similar to being bewildered but not as serious a problem.
My dad has poor hearing and is often wildered by simple conversations.
by Downvoting Victim January 2, 2022
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Instead of exhaling while laughing, some nerdy people inhaling, causing a "huh huh huh" or "hurk hurk hurk" sound instead of a normal laugh.
Go into any comic book store or any nerdy comedy movie and you'll hear an inhaling laugh.
by Downvoting Victim January 5, 2014
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Used to describe someone who is tired of other people's bullshit and lies and calls them out on it. To deflect, the person being called out cries "you're off your meds".
"You're off your meds" the morbidly obese sociopath wrote when i called him out for lying about me for the past 11 years.
by Downvoting Victim September 23, 2020
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