151 definitions by Downvoting Victim

Overcooking food to the point where it loses its tastes. Used as an excuse to joke around about being a terrible cook rather than improving or giving up.
"Cooked to British perfection!" my mom would cackle as she served us yet another bland meal.
by Downvoting Victim June 26, 2011
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A band where the singer is either unwilling or unable to play an instrument.

Many bands have 3 or 4 members with the singer usually playing a rhythm guitar or in some cases (Eve 6 Max Collins), bass.
Brandon wanted to start a band. But since he could sing but had no ability to play any instrument, he insisted he'd start a five piece band.
by Downvoting Victim July 30, 2015
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Used to describe someone who is tired of other people's bullshit and lies and calls them out on it. To deflect, the person being called out cries "you're off your meds".
"You're off your meds" the morbidly obese sociopath wrote when i called him out for lying about me for the past 11 years.
by Downvoting Victim September 23, 2020
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A word used by 4chan losers to describe anything they consider weird or creepy.
by Downvoting Victim April 28, 2020
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A sniveling coward that hides behind his parents when things don't go as expected.

They will avoid friendships when any effort is requiring
Weaselly John believed all of Jose's lies about me. What a weaselfuck.
by Downvoting Victim August 31, 2021
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Potential source of knowledge ruined by administrators who treat the encyclopedia like a tabletop RPG, penalizing users and IP addresses for what they deem inappropriate behavior.
I keep getting banned from wikipedia because the admins have nothing better to do.
by Downvoting Victim October 10, 2021
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Acroman is a name for someone who uses so many unncessary acronyms in online conversation that it is both frustrating and amusing to talk to that person. They will even invent their own acronyms that no one else uses.
Me: Hi, Ben.
Ben: LOL. Hi. OIC.
Me: Want to get some food?
Ben: Let's go to BF in L.
Me: Where??? In Where???
Ben: Baja Fresh in Laffayette

Ben is an acroman!
by Downvoting Victim September 10, 2006
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