A special nickname for someone who's ratchet.
Looks of glatred were passed through the room as the main ratcheteer, Tristan, entered.
by thenicket September 16, 2014
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The act of twisting genitals around another person's genitals. The term is derived from the ratchet spanner.
Bowie ratcheted with a professional rugby player and preffered it to grinding.
by stusx10 November 26, 2020
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Dirty ass hoes thinking they cute and they not. Always asking to borrow a friends clothes. Go out every weekend with no money nor a baby sitter looking for others to buy them a drink. Always wearing them stiff ass tracks. Be lieing for no reason and especially the ones that always have to brag but don't have nothing more than the next bitch.
Old tracks, always broke, have your kids dirty because you spent the money on an outfit to go out with, the bragging type but don't have nothing, and always lieing about unnecessary stuff. Always calling somebody else ratchet
by Jreal November 25, 2013
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A nickname for someone you don't like. Ratchet as in 'Rat shit'.
Bob: Hey Ratchet! I mean, er- Rachel.
Rachel: -___-
by squaids. February 13, 2010
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Another term coined by the ghetto youths of america. Like jimmy, it is a phrase used when someone got a nasty jumpshot.
Dude 1: "Damn this guy doesn't miss."
Dude 2: "You already know son i gotta ratchet."
by DNKenji March 27, 2009
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An uncontrollable female who is loud and obnoxious. She is usually black and says smart ass remarks to everything one says. Annoys the hell out of everyone and is usually clasified as a hoe.
That party last night had hella ratchets there.
by aklsdjfnasdfj March 20, 2012
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The act of some something ridiculous, ugly, horrible, petty, stupid, and/or just simply `ugh' because of bad character traits. This can also simply be the combination of the words ratchet + activity= ratchetivity.
"Ugh, there was turd sitting in the hallway at school today!"
"What! That's ratchetivity at its finest!"
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