A dance move where someone brings back one of their hands, raises the opposite knee and 'whips' their arm forward as if one was driving a car.
Damn did you say Daniel hit that whip?

He's such a good dancer!
by Ashstache March 20, 2016
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the high you get from inhaling the gas inside of a whipped cream bottle
dude i just tried whip. it was actually quite sweet and pleasant.
by lains June 13, 2019
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Can mean a car (just say a fucking car then) but a whip is something used to lash something or someone, typically leaving marks and welts, bruising may also occur
Slaves where whipped when they disobeyed their owners
by That random brit July 10, 2023
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I was doing 90 miles an hour down the road and my new whip
Yo bro check out my whip and it’s new wheels
by November 27, 2021
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whips are cool and pretty people who are fast like whippets
person 1: i love running

person 2: you are such a whip
by Yo slug December 11, 2021
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The really bad dance, the reason I want to die, also what happens when you're a bad boy/girl/whatever you are.
Parent: I'm gonna get the belt and whip you!
by ireallywanttodielikekillmenow December 12, 2017
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A form of punishment often used by parents to discipline their children.
My father used to whip me until one day I said hit me harder daddy. Long story short it hasnt happened since.
by Dositio October 12, 2018
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