I met this guy who wanted to be my boyfriend just so he could fuck me. We barely talk.
by the kid under the cupboard January 11, 2009
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pronounced (boy - ` frand)

One of a species seeking to impregnate a female counterpart.
Girl, u know they ain't no diffrence 'tween a boyfriend and a baby-daddy.
by altered January 2, 2006
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Hmmmmm... how to define boyfriend?
1) a guy used to keep the gross guys away
2)a guy you date because he is a total ass and you use dating him to fuck him over to get him back
3)a guy one chooses to be with because he is funny, sweet, and cares for them
4)a postion a guy holds that states that one person should be kissing them and only them, also other things that do not need to be explained
5) some guy who you date to specificly by you gifts and pay for your stuff
yeah i met this guy who is like totaly hot and he asked me out and bought me a ring so i said yes.
by justne wade April 11, 2005
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Usually referred to as a NAB.
Pronounced: knob, as in doorknob

Def: the title you give the male you are in a relationship with after the dating stage, but prior to giving him the actual name of “boyfriend.” Usually this person will attend events, go to family functions and act in a boyfriendly manner but does not have the title.
Krista: So whats up with the new guy?
Jill: Oh, he is just a NAB (Not A Boyfriend).
Krista: what, not good enough?
Jill: He is just a little nerdy, I enjoy letting him buy me stuff but I don’t know if he will make it to the boyfriend stage.
by Bessie Lou November 5, 2009
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A male that a woman will allow to get on her last damned nerve with hopes of becoming his wife so that she can truly fulfill the vow "Til Death Do Us Part".
My boyfriend is working my last nerve. If we were married I would choke him until he was blue.
by BabyS June 15, 2007
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people who charish you and take care of you. They are basically people who love you but are boys. LOL alot of them are hot.!.!
Damn girl! you got so lucky that boy is feelin' you girl.!!!!!!!! you boyfriend hott
by alexis_heller-schlick@myabcusd December 4, 2015
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