A mean fucking girl who will try to take ur Manz. At first she be bffs with him den try to ruin ur guys realtionship she try to act all pretty and has no life
Dang Alexa a lil brat
by Queenf1234 July 24, 2017
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A girl who may seem nice and funny at first. But, she has a tendency to turn around and stab her friends in the back. Alexas love to play games with people to mess with their minds and their lives.
Ugh, I got in another fight with Alexa; god, she's such a backstabber!
by karama's a b!tch, b!tch August 14, 2011
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A real Alexa is generally not a short form for a name such as Alexandra.
Usually it is a foreign name pertaining to the middle east or Europe.

These types are found to be isolated by society without them knowing and are very clingy to boys, friends and subjects.

They enjoy sadism and will refer to everyone as their best friends, while stabbing them in the back.

Pertended to be liked by many and hated by all.

This word can be used in the following ways:
Oh no its Alexa

Were you just alexaed?

The slime smells that of an Alexa.
by narfiousronald June 9, 2009
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a girl who looks like a five year old but in actuallity is sixteen who live in Missouri and rotates custody between sisters in Wisconsin and Minnesota.
That girl is definately an alexa

She is an alexa fo show
by batman68959864644 May 21, 2009
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The biggest bitch you will ever meet. She cannot take a simple joke and will start a fight with you but will not win. She acts all tough but she is really not. In the end you will be friends again but then months later you will fight again.
Girl 1: Did you hear about the fight between Alexa & Oliva?
Girl 2: Yeah, I heard Alexa lost!
by alexahatter April 26, 2012
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a girl who thinks she is better then everyone else and never takes responsibility for her actions. she whines excessively and never shuts up. she has a bad attitude and sleeps with everyone.
ugh, not Alexa.
i hate Alexa.
if you see Alexa, stay away from her.
by anon012 September 5, 2012
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An alexa is very intruiging specimen found only on planet earth. She is the BEST at taking nasty pictures. Her facial expressions make you want to get a paper bag and go barf in a corner. Her obbsession with nutella consists of applying it to her face every night before she goes to bed. Conceited? Very! Most used words inlude: gross, shart, nasty, heh, ew, etc. if i could, i would shat a brick for her. (shat: past tense of shart) so yaa <3
Her: Was that Alexa that just walked by?
Him: ya.
Her: k. cool
by im.too.cool. October 17, 2010
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