Sami is the nicest, hottest, funniest person you'll ever meet. he treats women like real women and hes all about equality when it comes to race, ethnicity, etc..
Sami loves chicken sm
hes the smart and sexy guy any girl would dream for. Sami can be a very kind person only if you treat him well.. do not mess with him though
"oh look! that guys so hot bro im drooling".. "yeah obviously hes hot, I mean what do you expect from someone named Sami?"
by bye.. November 23, 2021
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Sami is a one heck of a girl she is a wonderfull friend. She is shy at times but once you get to know her she is crazy!
by Aquawolfster November 11, 2020
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A dumbass. Showers once a week, doesn't wash his face, doesn't brush his teeth, and falls in love with every person with a vagina but never gets any. Every girl has the same reaction as the Gif.
Ronald: Jesus Christ. Sami gotta go. He smells like a dead skunk.
by NEw Moon June 15, 2018
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the most thot inducing man you will ever meet. he has a 11 inch dong and balls o' steel. nothing will ever kill him because he is immortal and has the power of the christian god times 4. if you meet a Sami bow down in honor and fear fore he will smite you before you can say "Sami is the coolest person i've ever met." don't even try to stop what coming because Sami has the bes abs you've ever seen and there so rock hard that you could literally cut diamonds on them. dont fuck with a sami.
Sami is so omnipantant that he could destroy that universe in less time than it takes you to say "i wish that sami were my friend hes so cool and handsome"
by sami has a big dick March 29, 2022
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A man who lacks intelligence. Used as an insult when someone fucks up big time.
Dude you just cost us a game. What a Sami
by TaylorSwift696969 March 12, 2022
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bru sami always swhichin whos side she even on ent more
by Footballfan0097 September 3, 2022
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an amazing, loving, caring, pretty, beautiful, adorable, kind idiot of a human. i have no idea how i’d live without her.
I love every single thing about my bby sami, i love how she texts me, i love how she stays up with me, i love her adorable face, i love her beautiful eyes, i love her eyebrows, i love the way she talks, i love how she stays up every night with me, i love how she always tries to fight about her loving me more when i obviously love her more, and so on. i could write for days about how much i absolutely adore and admire my bby.
by March 9, 2021
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