Australian slang: Alerting others to an impending announcement, or exciting news

Most commonly used when getting a new/better job

Evokes the wafting of sausage sizzle/smell of an announcement over others, in preparation
Dan: hey everyone, just a bit of forward sizzle for this afternoon, stay tuned

Everyone: k (expecting sizzle)

Dan at 4pm: yeah, so I’m excited to announce I’ll be the new assistant area compliance officer for the local food safety authority, keen for new beginnings *fist bump emoji*

Everyone: sweet
by hoomuzu February 16, 2023
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When you take a bong rip and you're fried as fuck all day.
Tom, where did you go?
After the getty, I went back to the crib and got sizzled.
by Tony Stark Whatsup December 3, 2019
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What spool wants to be.
“Sizzle my fizzle, bitches!”
by Fsteen July 30, 2022
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when there's an unexpected and juicy drama or tea happening
could have lots of z's, l's, or s's
Person1: *punches person2*
Person2: *pulls the hair of person1*
Person3: ooohhhh dramaaaa sizzle *sizzzzzlllleeeeesss*
by stanblackpinkh03z October 19, 2022
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a state of being totally ecxcited that you achieved offending someone about something that is offend-worthy and to be unbothered by it
me: the fact that covid is still a thing is totally anti-vaxxers’ fault
anti-vaxxer: uhm what? that’s so not fair how can you say that.
me: sizzle
by @imsosorryidc November 26, 2021
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When it is both sunny and drizzling. Happens often in Hawaii resulting in rainbows.
We were driving to Kapalua and it started to sizzle, then we saw a rainbow.
by Tomas Cruz June 6, 2021
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When a wear fly clothing/attire and appears to be/look hot
Omg! Yesss sizzle sis!
You are sizzling sis!
You better sizzle sis!
by Belleteria November 11, 2020
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