a mustache (from an abbreviation of mustache)
by Light Joker March 28, 2005
A person who is genetically predispositioned to have upper lip hair. Usually accompanied by aviator sunglasses, police issue gloves and a pedophilia like stare down.
by Justin August 15, 2003
a courageous adolescent hailing from isolated Marin Country, characterized by his persistent efforts to grow facial hair.
by GodfatherPart4 January 5, 2015
1.a pitiful excuse for a mustache
2. a racially-confused individual possessing said mustache and typically clad in a greatly oversized t-shirt, a large chain, and a flat brim hat turned sideways and with the sticket still on it
2. a racially-confused individual possessing said mustache and typically clad in a greatly oversized t-shirt, a large chain, and a flat brim hat turned sideways and with the sticket still on it
by J. Kel May 5, 2007
by CAck Master June 26, 2003
by Andrew H June 18, 2006