A social event consisting mostly of guys.
Danny’s party sucked, it was just a meat mixer.
by Willy McD November 27, 2020
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Sam: I'm stressed what do I do?

Tim: just chuck a mixer you'll be fine.
by Xx97xX May 2, 2017
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First you put cake ingredients into a girls vagina such as milk and eggs, then you grad a cake mixer mix all that shit in her vagina until no bubbles form. Then you lay plastic rap on her vagina and grab a hair dryer and bake the cake with it. Once the cake looks done on her vagina, take a large shit in her mouth and eat the cake with her pubic hair. Bone appetite
Dude I was so horny, I gave taquanisha the Boneless cake mixer
by YaBoiVaginaMu$tarD January 26, 2021
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A person who likes techno and dance music and the art of the DJ who can seamlessly and creatively mix tracks together. The person typically has a DJ set up of two record/CD decks in their bedroom where they try to emulate (and usually fail) to recreate that art form.
John is buying some new records in town today, he wont come out tonight as he'll be doing his bedroom mixer routine with them.
by simonjblake October 23, 2018
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When you're butt to butt with someone special, shooting diarrhea into each others anus'
Me and Binky love getting mudslide mixers.
by Jason mcgregor October 17, 2021
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When a man slides his erect penis inside a woman's vagina to full length and begins to rotate his hips in a 360 degree circle, essentially stirring the juices inside her. Centrifugal force causes the penis to shift in in the opposite direction of the rotation. This is best done without a condom however, as the centrifugal friction may cause the condom to shift and/or break. You've been warned!
I attempted the "cement mixer" whilst my lady was cumming and she flooded the bed! Thank god the sheets weren't high thread count!!
by CriscoShortnin May 29, 2021
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Two individuals perform oral on each other to completion. While the participants mouths are still full of cum, they proceed to have intercourse while aggressively French kissing.
My girl just doesn’t get turned on anymore without doing the cement mixer.
by WhoSlangDu? September 28, 2021
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