A person that used scat or urain to write on the bed sheet
*Bed writer* Someone Who pisses on the bed.
by Rose koi June 2, 2022
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a stroke writer is a person that floods the word recomendations with randoms words like adikvnsdingiosdnegins, and then most of the time proceeds to write you are bored
urban dictionary is getting destroyed by stroke writers
by larry stintz November 23, 2020
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A phrase used to describe the sudden flood of ideas and inspiration to write, either a backstory, a story, or some other action of making literature. Can be a short flood or long term, depends of what you're writing.
"I know I have to do the dishes but I have writers eureka and I need to put all my ideas down."

"I don't have time, this writer's eureka doesn't last all day!"
"Jenna hasn't come out of her room, you think she has writer's eureka?"
by BRASH!! July 13, 2022
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Da team of words-and-melody-notes jotters who actually composed da now-hugely-famous country-music selection, but put Johnny Cash's name to it.
An author should actually be da one to write his own compositions, or said plagiarizing fake might be condemned to join da ghost writers in the sky for all eternity!
by QuacksO December 23, 2022
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An LA Graffiti writer whom migrated to Atlanta Georgia resulting in chaotic endless traffic.
Damn dawg, traffic sucks right now must be because of all these damn LA Writers!
by ersack November 18, 2020
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A derogatory name given to TV shows or movies that have memebers of Family Guy or replicate it's humor.
"Yep this show definitely has Family Guy writers."

"Dude that new show looks shitty."

"What did you expect? The dude that made it was a Family Guy writer"
by BarkLark February 19, 2023
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