Childe may be a name for a certain Genshin Impact character, but is also a nickname for the youngest of members in groups. Childe is a wonderful human being, that is truly convinced that they have all their cards out of your eyesight and sheilded, why in fact they are laying on a glass table. Childe is a jack of all trades and is like the sweetest honey. Generally they have few close friends and many aquintances but a wide hatred for birthdays (specifically their own)
Person #1: "You are such a child..."
Person #2: "Childe*, I'm positively awesome thank you very much!"
Person #1: *stares fondly* "quite."
by ollivandrr September 28, 2022
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Imagine not pulling childe first ten wish lmao
Person 1: " Wow loom at that daddy ginger"
Person 2: " Oh, you mean the ed sheeran looking ass? Thats just Childe"
by November 23, 2021
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The sexiest ginger to ever exist, you’ll bust a fat fucking nut just by looking at him. And the amount of money that man has is unreal..and the amount of stamina that man has in sex..
“Oh my god I had the best sex of my life with childe last night, he’s so fucking kinky. I’m orgasaming just by thinking about it..”

“Really? I heard he has so much stamina in sex it’s unreal”

“We went 9 rounds, I don’t know I’m even walking right now. I may be pregnant”

“You’re gonna be a single mom lol”
by Cockokok July 31, 2021
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A grownup acting like a literal child; childish, immature, and sensitive
“Wow they’re acting like a literal Childe!”
Don’t act like a Childe! That would be terrible!”
by Scaramona November 30, 2022
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the sexiest Fatui harbinger and the hottest ginger to ever walk this earth and a character I will pull. When you see him in all his blue-eyed majestic glory you will faint because even though he has a hydro vision he is very hot.
your friend: yo is that childe over there?
you: c-childe!~ *comes*
by childeswife September 28, 2021
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