The act of one clenching their toes and inserting into an orifice mainly sexually.
“Oh Adam, I can’t wait to Toast you
“Her feet were small, perfect for toasting.”
by Oh no tuxedo mask May 7, 2018
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A game where 3 or more people from texas do a circle jerk around a piece of toast. The last one to ejaculate has to eat the toast.
John boy want to play toast?

Isn't that where we jerk on some toast and then eat it?


Lets do it because we're from texas.
by Naffy Pruss May 3, 2011
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it is the best with the likes of wordbacon/word, wordgravy/word and wordmaple syrup/word.

"toast is great with ham and beans and cheese and JABLEGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"
by bacon July 21, 2003
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Marijuana Buds, refering to the procurment of such drug.
The toast I bought last night was very potent!
by Sam Sneed May 1, 2007
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man i was toasted after the eagles lost in the playoffs
by cootercack January 12, 2010
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To place your penis 'twixt two slices of fresh bread - buttered, obviously - and offering it to the missus.
come here darling, i have a sandwich for you.....
by DirtySanchez April 11, 2004
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