1) a person who has more respect or authority than he or she (lol) deserves.
2) a person who thinks they have more respect or authority than they deserve
by JangleZ March 23, 2011
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A person who comes into office supply store to buy many of the same item
Hey look at that printer sippy go out with all of the clearance Lexmark printers
by Ryan Wilk November 22, 2007
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Sexuality-in-progress. A SIPpy is a person who is so back-and-forth with their sexuality that no-one quite knows what they are yet.
"One month he's straight, next he's gay like it's out of style, and now he's straight again?" "Just let him be, he's just a little sippy".
by Kaehyu September 21, 2007
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A state borderd by AL,LA & TN.
Also known as Mississippi.
"Tameka is from dat sippy"
"Sippy is da shizzle"
by smizzle fo shizzle July 25, 2003
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An oddly placed object.

When something seems unnatural.
Someone who's acting strange or doing something fucked up.
When someone is in an awkward position, they're referred to as Sippy.
person 1: haha omg did you see that chicks face when buddy was mackin?

Person 2: YA! HARSH Sippy!! she was sooooo awkward!

"Look at buddy with his umbrella out n everything and it's not even raining! HARDCORE SIPPY!"
by DebbieThaBawla May 6, 2009
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The act of drinking an alcoholic beverage from the palm of your hand
"hey man, i'm sick of drinking from those regular drinking apparatus, lets do some sippies instead"
by Sippy Longstockings September 2, 2012
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