The act of inviting your closest friends over and having a pillow pet party. Normally all girls. It involves staying up late and taking random pictures of you and your pillow pet. Girls without pillow pets are not accep by the other girls and will therefore not be allowed or invited to come.
"Omg, did you get invited to the senior girls PPC tonight!?"
"Yeah! My unicorn pillow pet & I are so excited!
by Sssbbbbbrrrrr. May 14, 2011
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Peak Physical Condition

A quest real men partake in everytime they enter a gym. Something unfortunately most gym goers forego as it's too much of a challenge for them. Instead they sit around doing elaborate 5 day splits and talking about how 'aesthetic' they are. Meanwhile the guys in PPC sit around laughing about them knowing that they're bigger, better, faster and stronger.
guy 1: Look at that bodybuilder over there doing his set of curls. He's huge!
guy 2: Paha. All show no go. What you really want is to be like that guy over there. Epitome of PPC.

guy 1: Hey man, up for hitting the gym for a back sesh tomorrow?
guy 2: Haha. No. Think I'll swim a few miles then maybe do a whole body session tomorrow.

guy 1: What?

guy 2: I train to be in good shape, not to look like I'm in good shape. It's all about PPC.
by PPCfounder October 27, 2011
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Pussy Per Capita

The amount of ass someone gets usually counted by youth groups or groups of friends.
Man....the 8th hour math class has a so much higher PPC rating than the 3rd hour class.
by Marks May 7, 2005
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Stands for The Pastey Penis Club. Refers to groups of young white males who all huddle together to expound on their ideals and make decisions amongst themselves at Occupy events. They tend to break up and reconvene in a new, more distant place when you try and get them to do any real work or ask them to participate in the General Assembly (unless they get to be facilitator.) Generally the PPC behaves as though they are the only ones who are working to change the world, all while finding ways not to do the "working" part. A member of the PPC is a Pastey Penis Pal (PPP or Pcubed).
"Where did your boyfriend go, we are trying to get everyone ready to march!"
*looks around* "Ah shit, he joined the PPC, this is going to take a while...."
by Moveyourassguys October 31, 2011
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The act of taking a crap right before or after practice. Stands for pre-practice crap or post-practice crap. Feelings of relif will most likly follow.
Coach: Wheres Robby at?
Team: Taking a massive ppc.
Coach: Well might be a while so lets get started.
by wordtoyamother March 17, 2008
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Jake: "Im finna stick this BBC in yo PPC"

Fiona:"Im ready daddy"
by ツBoi December 17, 2018
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Somebody that loves pay per click advertising in a creepy and possibly sexual way.
I think Mat might be a PPC-dophile, he's way too into the new AdWords interface.
by mr-dibbles October 31, 2018
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